Elastic Museum

This blog is written by Maria Mortati and was developed to share work and insights around experimental museum projects.

experimental projects

Intersection of the Arts

Our AAM 2012 panel team received some nice feedback from the those that attended (thank you). As I was considering whether or not to take the dive into a panel proposal for next year, I […]

Jul, 06

On The Other Side Of An Experiment

Local gallery for emerging projects, Southern  Exposure (SF) and one-time partner-in-crime, Machine Project (LA) are in the midst of a grand experiment. They have created 20 continuous days of events in 20 homes in San […]

Jun, 19

FYI: Experimental Museum Projects Presentation Posted

Finally it’s up on slideshare as promised. The whole enchilada including links to the supporting materials our panel developed: Experimental museumprojects aam2012 View more presentations from Maria Mortati

May, 25

The Elastic Manfesto or Why Museums are Ripe for Experimental Projects

As most know, last week at #aam2012 a panel I put together presented an “Elastic Manifesto.” It was created to inspire, ground in reality and support museums and artists interested in experimental projects, and make […]

May, 04

Shine On A Creative Field With Us #AAM 2012

A large part of my work inside and outside of formal museums is playing with the notion of what makes an exhibit or a museum– often through socially engaging projects. It seemed to me that […]

Apr, 25

Recommended Reading: The Hammer Report

I’m putting together a recommended reading  list for a project. At the top is the newly released ” HAMMER REPORT” out of Machine Project. This is a tome of projects and lessons learned during their […]

Feb, 23

Minimalist Art and a Pizza

“Minimalists hated animals”. Who knew? In this short, artist Michael O’Malley developed a brilliant vehicle for teaching art involving foreigners, fabrication and a field via the Walker Arts Center’s Open Field program. If you can […]

Dec, 10


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