Elastic Museum

This blog is written by Maria Mortati and was developed to share work and insights around experimental museum projects.

socially engaged art

Open Engagement and the Museum

Last month I attended Open Engagement, an informal conference on social practice art (or Socially Engaged Art) that is produced by Portland State University’s Art and Social Practice MFA students. This was my 2nd time […]

Jul, 02

Heisenberg and Audio Tours

I wrote about this project back in June– Southern Exposure and Machine Project joined forces to create 20 continuous days of events in 20 homes in San Francisco. Ours was one of them. There were […]

Dec, 01

Part 1: Grounding Socially Engaged Art

I took copious notes at Open Engagement (it’s how I can remember anything). I thought I would attempt to distill them down into a few comics that I’ll be posting over the coming weeks. Here […]

Jul, 09

FYI: Experimental Museum Projects Presentation Posted

Finally it’s up on slideshare as promised. The whole enchilada including links to the supporting materials our panel developed: Experimental museumprojects aam2012 View more presentations from Maria Mortati

May, 25


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