Elastic Museum

This blog is written by Maria Mortati and was developed to share work and insights around experimental museum projects.

Museum projects

Video Short: Participatory Gallery at the Baltimore Museum of Art

Another in a series of short videos, this one captures the Big Table Gallery at the Baltimore Museum of Art. You can also see a presentation of this work from the American Education Research Association […]

Dec, 01

Cats, Camp, & Workshops

I’ve been involved in a number of non-traditional efforts recently and not much posting bandwidth. Here, highlights of the summer. Parks and Rec In June I was invited to participate in the Headlands Center for […]

Nov, 25

What I Did On My Summer Vacation

This summer I have been lucky to work on two galleries that offer interpretation and interaction (or participation if you prefer) with ideas in contemporary art. It’s been trial and error which is resulting in […]

Oct, 29

FYI: Experimental Museum Projects Presentation Posted

Finally it’s up on slideshare as promised. The whole enchilada including links to the supporting materials our panel developed: Experimental museumprojects aam2012 View more presentations from Maria Mortati

May, 25

Interactives With Art?

I’m working on developing some hands-on and “body-on” as they say interactives with contemporary artworks. Art is of course subjective, so the visitor goals, informal learning experiences and take-aways are as unique and initially ambiguous […]

May, 15

The Elastic Manfesto or Why Museums are Ripe for Experimental Projects

As most know, last week at #aam2012 a panel I put together presented an “Elastic Manifesto.” It was created to inspire, ground in reality and support museums and artists interested in experimental projects, and make […]

May, 04

Shine On A Creative Field With Us #AAM 2012

A large part of my work inside and outside of formal museums is playing with the notion of what makes an exhibit or a museum– often through socially engaging projects. It seemed to me that […]

Apr, 25


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