Elastic Museum

This blog is written by Maria Mortati and was developed to share work and insights around experimental museum projects.

Posts Tagged "machine project"

Check out all of the posts tagged with "machine project".

The Great Calculation Weekend @Machine Project

A bit of insider trading and a love letter: This weekend my husband, Mark Glusker and I will be ‘in residence’ at Machine Project for a weekend of his talks, workshops, and a group calculation […]

Nov, 07

On The Other Side Of An Experiment

Local gallery for emerging projects, SouthernĀ  Exposure (SF) and one-time partner-in-crime, Machine Project (LA) are in the midst of a grand experiment. They have created 20 continuous days of events in 20 homes in San […]

Jun, 19

Recommended Reading: The Hammer Report

I’m putting together a recommended readingĀ  list for a project. At the top is the newly released ” HAMMER REPORT” out of Machine Project. This is a tome of projects and lessons learned during their […]

Feb, 23

Minimalist Art and a Pizza

“Minimalists hated animals”. Who knew? In this short, artist Michael O’Malley developed a brilliant vehicle for teaching art involving foreigners, fabrication and a field via the Walker Arts Center’s Open Field program. If you can […]

Dec, 10


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